Series B in High-Flying Health Tech Startup
Today’s special edition is actually a deal that Michael is investing in and helping to fill out.
He says:
“One of our portfolio companies from the Geekdom Fund where I am a partner, Subject Well, has received a $50M Series B term sheet from a strategic investor.
They work in the patient recruitment space for clinical trials. What’s novel about their approach is they are the first to deploy a marketplace approach to the problem. This means their platform gets more useful the more customers it gets. The market has really taken off in the past few years and that shows in the revenue growth.
We have a $6.2M allocation in the round ($3.5M is taken already). Our fund 2 is fully deployed at this time so we have extra allocation available to outside accredited investors.”
If you are interested in taking a look, drop Michael a note at michael@girdley. com and he can get you access to a pitch deck and other materials.